Tuesday 19 August 2014

Female Rapper Sasha Writes Touching Tribute To Dad As She Remembers Him 25 Years After

There is never a moment that I am not grateful for being able to call you my father. It was you who taught me that there is a legacy in character.
You are the reason I don’t give up, I always want to learn and I never forget where I am from.It was you who told me I am a queen, you who taught me to speak my mind ALWAYS!

You who received me as a birthday present, you who shared only 6 unforgettable years of your greatness with me .

Who am I daddy not to be all you worked, prayed, spoke into my existence to be? I will never stop believing, never stop dreaming ,

never stop working. 2 years ago today I shared “Inception” to help have happy memories of today and you have already shown me you are here in my heart still guiding me.

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