Monday 6 October 2014

Doctors Remove Potato From Woman's Vagina 
Workers at a Colombia clinic said a woman inserted a potato into her vagina as a means of contraception and the spud grew roots inside of her.

Staff at a medical clinic in the town of Honda said a 22-year-old woman came in this week complaining of severe pain in her lower abdomen and attending nurse Carolina Rojas said she was shocked to discover roots coming out of the woman's vagina. Continue reading...

"My mom told me that if I didn't want to get pregnant, I should put a potato up there, and I believed her." the patient was quoted as saying.Rojas said the potato had been inside the woman for about two weeks and was growing roots inside her.

The nurse said doctors were able to remove the spud without surgery and they do not expect the woman to experience any long-term effects from the experience -- except, perhaps, a newfound aversion to using potatoes as contraception.

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