Wednesday 29 October 2014

Photos: K Switch's Baby Mama Is Denied Entry Into His Lekki Home

It Seems like there is trouble in Kay-Switch and his baby-mama’s paradise as she was refused entrance into his lekki home alongside her baby.  

According to LIB
    Kayswitch’s baby mama, Meena Subramani, stormed his home in Lekki Phase1 yesterday demanding to see him, but for some reason, the security guards wouldn’t open the gates. Meena, who got there by taxi and was carrying their 7 months old baby, started banging on the gate, shouting at security men and screaming that KaySwitch should come out and face her. She made a lot of allegations as she was screamingNobody however came out of the house to attend to her and she left after a while.
Photos below after cut.....

Photo Credit: LIB

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