Wednesday 26 November 2014

Baby Born In Coffin 23 Hours After Mother's Death


An incredible story, which was reported several years ago, is again circulating on the Internet as a reminder of the existence of miracles.

A Canadian woman was said to have given birth to a bouncing baby girl while in a coffin… 23 hours after her death, Weekly World News provided with reference to a renowned medical newsletter.
The pregnant mother got in an auto crash in Toronto. She bumped into a tree and suffered serious head and chest injuries. Soon the woman was pronounced dead in a hospital.

According to the records published in the newsletter, she was 7.5 months pregnant at the time of the accident. The physician was trying to revive the mother and her child, but all the attempts failed.

Thus, the body was placed in a morgue for 17 hours. Twenty hours after the tragedy the nude corpse covered with a burial shroud was laid out in a coffin for the final ceremony.

What happened next is still considered as something inexplicable. While the cemetery workers were lowering the coffin into a grave 3 hours later, they heard a baby crying. They immediately called an ambulance.
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 The girl, born prematurely, hungry and dehydrated spent the following 4 weeks in an incubator, but she survived.

One of the doctors, who witnessed the “miracle baby” survival narrated that it could not be logically explained from the point of view of medicine.

“I’ve been a doctor for 22 years and if this isn’t a miracle and a medical first, I don’t know what is. There is no possible way for this baby girl to have survived the automobile accident that killed its mother, much less cling to life for 23 hours without food and oxygen from her blood supply. But as God is my witness the baby did survive – and there’s not a doctor in the world who can explain it.”

The discharged baby was sent home with her father (names withheld).
The interviewed doctor confessed there was no scientific explanation  for what had happened.
“Things happen that defy explanation and this would certainly seem to be one of them,” said the doctor. That baby was dead and now it is alive. It’s living proof that miracles really do happen.”
Meanwhile the unusual incidents take place from time to time in different parts of the world.
Earlier this month, we reported how a woman delivered a baby hours after having come out of a coma.

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