Tuesday 24 June 2014

Woman has finally been freed after she was sentenced to death for marrying a Christian husband

Meriam Ibrahim who was sentenced to death last month for adultery and apostasy has been freed from prison. Meriam got married to a Christian American and this prompted the action of the Sudanese government, she was therefore taken into custody as according to reports it is against the laws of Sudan to get married to a Christian. As bad as this may seem it gets worse when he 20 months old child was also convicted with her and also she was pregnant during this period. Mariam gave birth to a baby girl while in the cell.
The Sudanese Government were forced to drop all charges against her because they claimed to be embarrassed by the all the attention the case gained.
As well as the death sentence for apostasy ( the crime of abandoning your religion) Ms Ibrahim was also sentenced to 100 lashes of the cane for what the court termed adultery for marrying a christian husband

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