Wednesday 9 July 2014

Drug dealer realeases haunting video of Angelina Jolie as a drug addict

Angelina Joile  admitted many times in the past that she was a drug addict, describing it as a 'dark' and 'dangerous' period of her life which she was lucky to survive but I have a feeling she won't want her kids to see these photos or the video

The video was released to National Enquirer magazine recently by Angelina Jolie's former drug dealer, Franklin Meyer, who claims he shot it in 1999 after she called him to her to home to re-supply her with heroin and cocaine.

    "Angie was a client of mine for several years. I sold her heroin and
Continue reading to see more photos and video clip: 

cocaine. One day she called me up and wanted me to drop by her place. That was her way of telling me she wanted me to bring her drugs. At the time, I had just bought a video camera and decided to bring it along. When I arrived, I just gave her the drugs and then she gave me the money.’


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