Tuesday 8 July 2014


The advances in technology the world over has made changes to laws very necessary, prompting nations to enact new laws aimed at catching up with the fall out of those technologies. The advancement in genetic science for example has led to such prohibitions as human cloning and other associated uses of genetic science that is considered unethical and a danger to the natural selection process of the human race.

One of such scientific developments is Google’s latest gadget, named Google Glass. Google Glass is a gadget that seems to have come straight out of the 80s sci-fi series, Space 1999. Built into the gadget and with an appropriate app is its “augmented reality” capability, a situation where the wearer of the glasses with the appropriate app can see what the non-wearer can’t see. The implication of this is that with Google Glass, a student can pre-load lecture notes, formulas, answers and all sorts unto an AR platform, use his class table as the AR marker and activate same in an exam hall. The result, the wearer of a Google Glass can see answers to questions while other students and invigilators won’t.
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Wikipedia defines Augmented reality (AR) as a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.

What do you think? Should Nigerian students be allowed to write exams with Google Glass and other AR devices since there’s currently no regulation banning them?

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