Saturday 27 September 2014

FIFA To Ban Thrid Party Ownership

 The world game's governing body has moved to place an outright suspension on the practice following pressure from Uefa

Fifa is set to ban the practice of third-party ownership (TPO), it announced on Friday.

The European governing body, Uefa, admitted recently that it was looking into the possibility of placing a regional ban on TPO should Fifa not prohibit it worldwide. Continue reading......

But now the world association has decided to put the wheels in motion for the widespread operation of TPO to be banned.

“The Fifa Executive Committee (ExCo) has taken the principle decision that third-party ownership shall be banned with a transitional period,” Fifa announced via Twitter.

The practice is already outlawed in countries such as England, France and Poland, but the abuse of the system has led to concerns that the integrity of some matches is being compromised.

And Uefa president Michel Platini has reacted with delight to Fifa's announcement.

"I am very happy for football and I am very happy for players that Fifa has followed Uefa's initiative and recommendation to outlaw the practice of third-party ownership," said Platini.

"I have been constantly warning for years that this practice – which is becoming increasingly widespread – is a danger to our sport. It threatens the integrity of our competitions, damages football’s image, poses a long-term threat to clubs’ finances and even raises questions about human dignity."

At a press conference following the ExCo meeting in Zurich, Fifa president Sepp Blatter refused to say whether he had handed back a €20,000 watch given as a gift by the Brazilian FA at this summer’s World Cup.

A statement from Fifa earlier this month demanded that 65 Parmigiani watches handed over to ExCo members and heads of national associations be returned since they breached Fifa’s Code of Ethics.

However, Blatter has challenged the verdict, telling the media that the ethics code is too vague.

“This problem over the watches is a non-problem,” claimed Blatter. “What is wrong? According to the Code of Ethics maybe it is the value, but what is the value? It says in the Code of Ethics only gifts of more than a ‘nominal value’ must be returned.”

It was also announced to the Fifa ExCo at their meeting that Blatter will run for a fifth term as president.

The president, who took office in 1998, had originally stated that he would quit at the end of his current term in 2015. However, he has confirmed to ExCo members that he intends to stand for election next year as intimated to members of the press and public at the SoccerEx conference in early September.

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